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How To Export, Import, Or Delete Your Blogger Blog

Do you know that you can export a copy of your blog content and import it to another blog. You can also export your blog before deleting it.? This post will guide you on how to do it.

How To Export Your Blog

When you export your blog, you will get an .xml file of the posts and comments in the blog.

1. Sign in to Blogger.

2. Select the blog to export.

3. In the left menu, click Settings > Other.

4. In the “Blog tools” section, click Export blog > Download blog.

To save a copy of your blog’s template, go to the left menu, select Template and click Backup/restore.

Import Posts And Comments

1. Sign in to Blogger.

2. Select the blog you want to import posts and comments to.

3. In the left menu, click Settings > Other.

4. In the “Blog tools” section, click Import blog.

5. Select the .xml file from your computer.

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6. Click Publish.

There is no file size limit to import a blog, but the number of imports in a day is limited.

How To Delete Your Blog

1. Sign in to Blogger.

2. Select the blog you want to delete.

3. In the left menu, select Settings > Other.

4. In the “Blog tools” section, click Delete this blog.

How To Restore A Deleted Blog

You can restore your blog for a short period of time after deleting it.

1. Sign in to Blogger.

2. On the left of your Blogger dashboard, click Deleted blogs.

3. On the name of the blog to restore, click Undelete this blog.

After a blog is permanently deleted, the blog’s URL cannot be used again.

Hope this post was helpful.


About the author

Emmanuel Ekanem

I'm Emmanuel Ekanem (RealityEmma), a passionate Tech Lover, WordPress Website Designer, Content Creator, and Digital Marketer.

I see Traveling as a hobby for me, especially when I have to handle the camera😜

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