Blogger SEO

All in One SEO Plugin For Blogger Blogspot: 2022 Setup Guide

It is true that Every blogger will love his or her blog to have a high SEO level to get high search traffics. And because of this, they try out different SEO tips and plugins they see online.

seo plugin for blogger blog

SEO plugin like Yoast and All in One SEO Pack helps a blog have high visibility on SERPs be it Google, Yahoo, Bing, or Yandex search engines and it helps to boost ranking(you will need to submit your blog first to these search engines).

But sadly, plugins are used in WordPress, and there are not compatible with blogger aka Blogspot blog due to the fact that Blogspot blogs do not use Plugins, and because of this, Blogspot user finds it very hard, almost impossible to set up SEO for their blog.

But I brought Goodness to you! In this article, I am going to show and teach you how to set up an All-in-One SEO plugin for Blogger.

Are you shocked? Hehe, don’t be, because it is true. yes, I’ll show you how, but know that it will not be in the form of a plugin, but as a code. No no, don’t worry, you don’t have to be tech-savvy to set it up, as I am going to show you easily how to set it up.

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Below are some of the things you can accomplish by using this All in One SEO Pack for Blogger aka Blogspot.

  • Optimize your post Title using H2 Tag
  • Convert title-Tag into Dynamic title Tag
  • Show your post Title first in SERPs ( Search engine Result Pages)
  • Add Meta Tags to your Blogger blog
  • Optimize your Blogger comments
  • Optimize your Blogger Archives
  • Add SEO friendly Robots.txt file for your blog
  • Verify Google and Bing by verification codes
  • Optimize your Blogger Labels (Category)
  • Add Author Facebook profile
  • Add Author Twitter profile

Now, let’s proceed with how to set the code…

Step 1: Copy the Code

Our first step is to copy the below code.

<!– All In One SEO Pack for Blogger Blogspot By:</p>
<p> Start –></p>
<b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == “index”‘></p>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> – <data:blog.title/></title></p>
<b:if cond=’data:blog.metaDescription != “”‘></p>
<meta expr:content=’data:blog.metaDescription'</p>
<b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == “archive”‘></p>
<meta content=’noindex, nofollow’ name=’robots’/></p>
<b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == “index”‘></p>
<b:if cond=’data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl’></p>
<meta expr:content=’data:blog.title’ name=’keywords’/></p>
<meta content=’index, follow’ name=’robots’/></p>
<b:if cond=’data:blog.pageTitle != data:blog.title’></p>
<meta expr:content=’data:blog.pageName’ name=’keywords’/></p>
</b:if><meta content=’GOOGLE VERIFICATION CODE‘ name=’google-site-verification’/></p>
<meta content=’BING VERIFICATION CODE‘ name=’msvalidate.01’/></p>
<meta content=’YANDEX VERIFICATION CODE‘ name=’yandex-verification’/></p>
<meta content=’global’ name=’distribution’/></p>
<meta content=’1 days’ name=’revisit’/></p>
<meta content=’1 days’ name=’revisit-after’/></p>
<meta content=’document’ name=’resource-type’/></p>
<meta content=’all’ name=’audience’/></p>
<meta content=’general’ name=’rating’/></p>
<meta content=’all’ name=’robots’/></p>
<meta content=’en-us’ name=’language’/></p>
<meta content=’USA’ name=’country’/></p>
<meta content=’Facebook Insight ID here‘</p>
<meta content=’‘</p>
<meta content=’@RealityEmma‘ name=’twitter:creator’/></p>
<meta content=’RealityEmma‘ name=’author’/></p>
<!– All In One SEO Pack for Blogger Blogspot By:</p>
<p> End –>


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Step 2: Edit the Code

After copying the above code in step 1, we need to customize the code to match your Blogger blog, by doing the following below.

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Change GOOGLE VERIFICATION CODE with your verification code

Change BING VERIFICATION CODE with your verification code

Change YANDEX VERIFICATION CODE with your verification code

Change Facebook Insight ID here with your own Insight ID

Change with your Twitter link

Change @RealityEmma with your Twitter username

Change RealityEmma with your name

Step 3: Adding the Code to your Blogger

After editing and customizing the code above, it is now time to add it to your Blogger aka Blogspot.

First, you need to log in to your Blogger dashboard, after login in, Click on Theme.
Before we proceed, you need to back up your template first.

Now Click on Edit HTML and a code editor page will pop-up
Now on the code editor page, click on it and press Ctr+F
And in the small pop-up box on the right-hand side type in <head>

And below paste the code you edited in “Step 2”
NOTE:   Paste the code below not above <head>

After that, save your Template.

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If you followed and have done the above steps in setting up the All in One SEO Pack code, congratulations! You have successfully set up the SEO of your Blogger aka Blogspot, and you will start getting traffics and reasonable search engines as a result of your Blogger blog ranking high in SERPs. All you need to do is to keep on publishing great content.

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If you encounter any problems, let me know.

See Also: Add Ads.Txt File To Blogger Blogs


About the author

Emmanuel Ekanem

I'm Emmanuel Ekanem (RealityEmma), a passionate Tech Lover, WordPress Website Designer, Content Creator, and Digital Marketer.

I see Traveling as a hobby for me, especially when I have to handle the camera😜


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