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How To Redirect 404 Error Page To Homepage On Blogger

In today’s tutorial, i will be writing on how you can redirect 404 error page to your blog homepage, 404 error page tells user and search engines that a “page is not found“. If anyone is trying to access a page and suddenly gets the “Page Not Found – 404” error.

This happens because you may have deleted your blog post or changed URLs.

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If you have deleted any blog post or changed blog post URLs and this time you have not setup 404 error page redirection in blogger then you will find all your 404 error pages in webmaster tools crawl section.

You can redirect your blog visitors automatically to homepage within few seconds using blogger 404 page redirection, So let start the tutorial.

Redirect 404 Error Page To Homepage Using JavaScript

Step 1

Go to blogger dashboard >> Search “preferences” option under the “Settings” tab.

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Step 2

Now click on custom page not found >> Edit option under the “Errors and redirections”

Step 3

Copy the below code and paste in text box and click Save Changes.

Redirection JavaScript

Page Not Found!

We’re sorry but we could not find the page you are looking for.
This may happen if you have entered site URL incorrectly or this page doesn’t exist anymore.

< script type = "text/javascript">
BSPNF_redirect = setTimeout(function() {
location.pathname= “/”
}, 5000);
< / script >

And that is all for redirecting 404 error page to your blog homepage, was this helpful or do you have any problem in the process, drop it in the comment box below.



About the author

Emmanuel Ekanem

I'm Emmanuel Ekanem (RealityEmma), a passionate Tech Lover, WordPress Website Designer, Content Creator, and Digital Marketer.

I see Traveling as a hobby for me, especially when I have to handle the camera😜

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