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How To Write SEO Friendly Articles For Your Blog

As we all know that Search Engines are responsible for bringing traffic to your Blog. So it’s important to Optimize your Blog Post to gain high Search Engine Rankings. Writing a SEO friendly article is not an easy work, you have to follow certain tips to do it.

Write SEO Friendly Articles For Your Blog

I do follow certain points to write an SEO Optimized post and the result I got is really something to write home about.

So below I’m going to be sharing certain tips that you should strictly follow.

Optimize Your Post Title

Your Blog Post always start with a Title. So the first step you have to follow is to Optimize the Title of the Post. Always add your Targeted Keyword in the Title.

This is really very help-full in Optimizing the Post. This point can’t be neglected in Optimizing.

Optimize The Blog Permalink

The second most important step is to optimize the permalink of your post. To be fully optimized you should change your permalink. Always include your keyword in permalink, and also try to avoid words like (is,or,%) etc in your Permalink. This will affect your post.

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Don’t Avoid Headings
Mot of the Bloggers, Webmasters recommends to make the best use of Heading(H1,H2,H3). Always use at-least one heading in every post and include your targeted keywords in it. H1 & H2 Headings are most preferred.

Make Your Keyword Bold, Underlined and Italic

Target the keyword for your post in Keyword Planner Tool and then use it in your Blog. Always make your Keyword Bold, Italic and Underlined. This helps Google bots to better crawl your post and place them high in Search Engine Rankings.

Optimize Your Images

It’s a quote that “Images speaks better than words”. But in this Case, Images helps in Optimizing your Blog Post. You need to Add a Alt tag for Images. Use your Keywords in the Alt tag, as this will be crawled up by the Search Engines.

Write Long Posts

Yes, this is also another part of Optimization, Always write posts longer than 300 words. Google don’t like short Articles. So it’s always recommended to write Article with minimum 300 words. This will better Optimize your post for Search Engines.


I have been following this tips for many months and i must say; it has brought good results for me. So I recommend you to follow this tips effectively in Optimizing your posts.

Don’t forget to share this post with friends and also drop your comments.

Recommended: Optimizing Page Titles For Your Targeted Keywords


About the author

Emmanuel Ekanem

I'm Emmanuel Ekanem (RealityEmma), a passionate Tech Lover, WordPress Website Designer, Content Creator, and Digital Marketer.

I see Traveling as a hobby for me, especially when I have to handle the camera😜


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