
Congratulation! Nobleloaded is One

Cant believe one year had passed by, One Year into blogging. Congratulations! NobleLoaded is One! It seems as if it was yesterday i started.

And I’ll love to use this medium to tell you my little journey so far into blogging.

How & Why I Started Blogging

Before coming into blogging, i had tried some platforms because i always wanted to own a website of my own(my kid dreams), some of them are Peperonity and Wapka. I left peperonity because of poor interface and Lack of developing tools, came into wapka 2013 and stayed for 2 years. I left wapka due to the fact i wanted to upgrade, i needed a professional website that can stand with other web online: and Wapka cant achieve that for me so i left.
I started Nobleloaded 15 of August 2015 which was the day i published my first post ever on Blogspot, before then i had been reading guides about blogging online, in order to succeed when i come in.
It was started as a general niche blog and that was where the name NobleLoaded came in, but after going through researches, i had to stop and focus on a particular niche TECH, which is actually what i have passion for(not the gossip type lol) but i still didn’t change the name because it was to be a brand that will stand out: Loaded with Contents. Many critized me about blogging on a particular niche, but i had to keep my focus because i had a goal.

It is not an easy journey because i have problems/challenges

Challenges I Face As a Blogger

* Lack of constant power supply

* Poor/expensive Internet services

* Time: as a student it is very difficult to manage school time with blogging.

But am happy all of this never weighed me down in my blogging journey.

Am not a gossip type like i said earlier, so let me not write too much lol. Below are stats of Nobleloaded so far, although not really better. Please see it as a starting point for me, because am still growing…


Number of posts: 184

Number of comments: 225

Facebook page likes: 1,274(like my page here

Twitter followers: 480(follow me here

Google+: 17 Followers(Follow

Guest Bloggers: 4


I have tried almost all the monetizing method i know on my blog. From ad networks to affiliate marketing. I have not earned so much from these mediums(maybe none). I’ve earned a few thousands of naira, from writing articles for other blogs, mostly, as a ghost Blogger.

Despite that, i have not given up because that was not what brought me into blogging(although making money is involved).


Blog of the Week on Zealmat.com

My greatest achievement is the people i have been able to meet online through blogging.

Checkout:  NobleLoaded Featured as “Blog of The Week” on Zealmat


I want to take this time to appreciate everyone who has helped this blog in one way or the other.

– I’ll not forget to give God thanks for the journey so far.

– My mum: Thanks for tolerating me staying up late at night to blog(although at first you didnt know what i did).

– Abas Etop: I’ve missed you here online, cant forget when we started this together, hope to see you online again.

– Precious Agbontan: I’m happy and thankful for your support this far(remembering the days of wapka together)

– Grace Joseph: Thanks my sister from another mother for all your support.

– Promise Excel: My brother from the planet of FB(lol), we met recently but we have established a bond that no element on earth can break, thanks for everything.

– Mathias Amodu: Another brother, i appreciate the encourgement you gave me on your blog and also the support so far.

– Prince Odafe: You’ve been a great friend within a short time, thanks.

– Jide Ogunsanya: My boss, you’ve realy inspired me a long way, even before i started blogging, could remember when i said i’ll love to add you on FB and you sent a request. Thanks for your ebook “OGBONGE GUIDE TO BLOGGER”

– Mazino Oyolo: Thanks for your support bro, i appreciate.

– Tunde Sanusi: We had problems when i started but am happy it is now in the past.

– Angela Devies: Although not a professional yet, you still believed in me and seeked my support.

Checkout:  Reasons Why Some Webmasters Won't Make It Online

– Akpene Jacob: Thanks for your support in the journey.

If I didn’t mention your name, it does not mean that you’re not important. I appreciate everyone equally who has been there for me.

Way Forward

– Getting a custom domain

– Get a new laptop

– Increase my blog traffics

– Increase my social media followers

– Start creating videos for my YouTube channel

– Get more serious with my blog.

Thanks for being part of that journey and dream, Please show your support by dropping a comment


About the author

Emmanuel Ekanem

I'm Emmanuel Ekanem (RealityEmma), a passionate Tech Lover, WordPress Website Designer, Content Creator, and Digital Marketer.

I see Traveling as a hobby for me, especially when I have to handle the camera😜


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