If you love the current design of my blog, I can set up same design for your blog if you are ready to pay for it. I personally customize my template to my taste.
So, if you don’t want to go through the stress of redesigning a default blogger template, then let me get it done for you.
You can get the design as it is on Nobleloaded or with a left or right sidebar as seen below.
The design can rock any color theme you desire too.
1. A home page with “auto” read more, and post thumbnail.
2. Can easily be changed to feature left or right sidebars, or left and right sidebars with post area in the center.
3. Width of sidebars can easily be changed, post area etc, in Blogger Template designer.
4. Can easily change template color in Blogger template designer.
5. Works perfectly with Template designer custom css functionality.
6. Custom mobile view looks awesome.
7. Can displays ads almost anywhere in the template; above logo, below logo, inside posts etc.
How Much?
It will cost you just ₦8,000 ( $40 )
Once I set it up on your blog, and you notice that there are some features on my blog which are not on yours, I will fix that for you for FREE.
All Blogger tweaks and tips on this blog work perfectly with the template.
If you have questions, drop them in the comments below.
NOTE: You can also make money by referring bloggers to get this design from me. Mail me if you’re interested.
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This template is nice. It can increase ctr and SEO traffic of a blog